the process known as double terminaling is an assist. One double
terminals as follows: he has the preclear mock up something or someone facing its duplicate, then he gets another such pair beside, in any position, the first pair. It will be noted that the mock-ups discharge one against the other like electrical poles. A double terminal may also consist of an unmatched pair such as a mock-up of a husband facing a wife and, parallel to this, the husband facing the wife again. Or a person facing an inanimate object, then, beside that pair, the same person as another mock-up facing the same object as another mock-up. It will be observed that when TWO pairs are used, there are, even so, only TWO COMMUNICATION LINES. The lines are more important than the terminals; one wants two communication lines, parallel to each other. This, of course, requires four terminals. (PAB 1)
- double terminaling simply puts up two pairs of matched terminals. The pairs may each be of two different things but each pair contains one thing the same as the other pair; in other words, husband and wife is one pair and husband and wife is the other pair. These, parallel, give the two terminal effect necessary for a discharge. (COHA, p. 213)
- there are a number of processes which could include double terminals. One terminal made to face another terminal in terms of mock-up can be discharged one against the other in such a way as to relieve aberration connected with things similar to the terminal thus mocked up. One takes two pairs of such terminals and standing them in relationship to each other, discovers that he has now four terminals but these four terminals furnish only two lines. These two lines will discharge one against the other. (Scn 8-8008, p. 32)